Not knowing what your credit report says about your finances may cost you more when trying to obtain a mortgage. Even those who pay everything on time might have an unaddressed credit issue that is hurting their credit! It is possible for incorrect information to be reported on your credit report, and it is important to identify any issues and correct them before you apply for a mortgage.
What does your credit say about you?
What makes up your credit report?
Your credit score is a numerical representation of your trustworthiness in paying back debt. Each bureau will present you with a credit score based on the data they have.
What is reported?
A few of the items reported on your credit may include:
- Credit Cards
- Department store cards
- Gas cards
- Bank cards
- Airline cards
- Installment Loans
- Mortgage loans
- Auto loans
- Student loans
- Utilities
- Rent (sometimes)
- Collections or judgements
- Bankruptcies
What does your credit history look like?
Credit history is a record of the health of each reporting credit line. Your credit score is created from the list below.
Oliver Orlicki
Mortgage Loan Originator + Founder // NMLS #205123
In the complex and fast paced world of mortgages my team and I provide our customers and realtors with an easy, enjoyable and affordable mortgage experience from their first phone call to the closing table.
Whether you’re looking to buy your first home, purchase a new vacation home, secure a property for investment, or restructure your mortgage, we have the experience, expertise, and personal touch to bring it all together.
With over 20 years experience in the mortgage and real estate market, I’ve developed an invaluable network of competitive lenders to help you find the best possible mortgage for your financial situation. My team and I serve the entire state of Florida but specialize in the Tampa, St. Pete, Orlando and Sarasota areas. I always make sure my clients understand their full range of options before they buy or refi. My reviews speak for themselves!