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Investing in Real Estate with Other People’s Money

As an individual with the interest of going into real estate investing, you’ll be needing the money to start and keep growing. The big question is, where can you get this much money to start with? Is it possible to get started in real estate with either zero or no money out of your pocket? One way of going over this is to identify investment options that don’t require start-up cash, like wholesaling, and lease-to-buy options. However, one of the best ways to get into real estate investing is by using other people’s money or OPM. When you discover and explore how to use OPM for real estate investing, you’ll understand how great it is to not just get started in real estate investing but as well to have a continues growth in your business.

What is Other People’s Money (OPM)

Some people would love the idea of investing, but with moderate incomes and a lot of other expenses, they just haven’t been able to save enough cash to go about the buying process. Investing with other people’s money is a way of financing real estate investment opportunities privately without the use of traditional financing agencies such as a bank or a mortgage lending company. These private lenders are often silent partners with the money to invest in real estate in order to benefit from the financial returns. However, these partners usually don’t have the time or interest in doing the work of real estate investing.

Investing with OPM may include seller financing whereby the seller keeps in their name then the investor then makes payment to the seller to cover the monthly mortgage payment. There’s always an arrangement that gives the investor right over the property, including the right to sell the property for a profit.


One more option for using OPM is with an equity partner, who is a cash investor. With some investment options, multiple equity partners are established to create a pool of money for investment purposes. Cash investors either receive a percentage of the return on the real estate deal or interest with repayment.

The more you get engaged in real estate investment, your real estate network improves, your private lender options should grow along with your portfolio. One way to get yourself informed of these types of opportunities and how to benefit both you and the investor is with the use of a solid real estate investing coach.

Why use OPM for real Estate Investing?

As we all know, you have an interest in real estate investing but you have limited access to cash in order to finance your investment. Having access to private funding sources is a perfect opportunity to build your portfolio and your own cash reserves for future investment opportunities.

More to that, you have less risk and exposure when you use OPM for your real estate investing. Just as you and your private lender have the potential to see positive outcomes, you should be aware of the risks involved in real estate investing. Using OPM is as well a way to reduce your personal risks.


When getting started with real estate investing but you lack the funds or credit to finance the deals, go out and search for opportunities to invest with other people’s money. This is a big win for both parties.


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