St Petersburg’s Neighborhood
Check out St Petersburg’s Neighborhood
St. Petersburg is one of the fastest-growing cities in America and we are here to breakdown all the neighborhoods in our Ultimate Guide To the Best St. Petersburg Neighborhoods.
Studies say that over 110 people are moving to St. Petersburg every single day and how can you blame them?! Almost every area of St. Petersburg is on the up and up, from downtown to the suburbs and everywhere in between.
With so many neighborhoods to choose from in St. Petersburg, it can quickly become overwhelming. Moving to a new city is stressful enough, so we at Neighborhoodies want to help breakdown the region with our honest guide to the best neighborhoods.
Before we get into the best neighborhood pros and cons, it’s important to give a brief background. After all, talking about neighborhoods is subjective; there are things we might like about an area that you might not and vice versa.
That’s why it’s important to quickly explain who I am. Maybe it’ll help you relate to some things I say and who knows, it might show you that some of my “cons” are actually your “pros.”
I’m a 30-year-old male who is engaged to an amazing woman (she’s also my partner in Neighborhoodies!) I lived it up in college and the years immediately following, but now I’m well on my way to adulting. We bought a house over a year ago and while there are no kids in the picture yet, they’re not too far out. Source